Cleanroom cabins and systems

CleanoFlex - Cleanroom System

By combining individual components, we realise individual and flexible cleanroom solutions - from small LF areas to complete cleanroom systems with the highest GMP standards. Thanks to their modular design, CleanoFlex cleanroom systems can be expanded, enlarged and adapted to changing requirements. Investments are thus infinitely scalable for the user and can be adapted to the growing demands as well as the course of business. This guarantees a high degree of flexibility, efficiency and investment security.

All components of the system fulfil the cleanroom-specific requirements of DIN EN ISO 14644-1 or EC-GMP Guide, Annex 1 and are optimally matched to each other.
By the way: The name CleanoFlex consists of the words "Clean" and "Flexible".

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Modular design and flexibly expandable

With our CleanoFlex principle we plan and implement modular cleanroom solutions true to our motto "as much cleanroom as necessary, as little as possible" - from the mini-environment to cleanrooms with several thousand square meters. Oversized cleanrooms and unnecessary investment and operating costs are thus avoided.

Cleanroom systems with CleanoFlex:

  • Mini-environments
  • Mobile island solutions for the protection of individual process steps
  • Cleanroom tents
  • Classic cleanroom cabins (in suspended or elevated solutions, and in mobile version)
  • Complete cleanroom systems in accordance with all common standards and guidelines

Possible expansion stages

Thanks to its flexible modular principle, our CleanoFlex cleanroom systems can be individually expanded. Depending on how diverse the expansion possibilities are, we illustrate in four stages which different gradations are possible.


From Minienvironment to a GMP-compliant cleanroom
  • 1. Expansion stage
  • 2. Expansion stage
  • 3. Expansion stage
  • 4. Expansion stage

Low turbulence displacement flow protects a single product or a single process step from airborne particles. The execution takes place via an extremely flexible ceiling system that has been developed in-house. Fan-Filter-Units, lights and ceiling panels can be installed, moved or supplemented at any point.




If the requirements of the product or the process increase, or if further production steps are to be protected, CleanoFlex will be expanded simply and modularly. Using additional Fan-Filter-Units, higher purity classes can be achieved at any time.



For further increasing demands on the product or the process, the system can be equipped with a closed vacuum plenum. To comply with the required ambient temperature appropriate return air modules are used.



If later upstream process steps are also to be integrated, the entire area can be expanded to a complete cleanroom by installing walls and possibly also individual air lock concepts. Within the entire system, LF areas with low-turbulence displacement flow can be created within critical areas throughout the entire system. Moreover, the cleanroom can now be divided into different zones with adjustable pressure cascade. Ultimately, a complete production according to GMP standards can be achieved.



Expansion of cleanroom area
  • 5. Expansion stage
  • 6. Expansion stage
  • 7. Expansion stage
  • 8. Expansion stage
  • 9. Expansion stage
  • 10. Expansion stage

Based on expansion stage 4, the cleanroom can be modulary and flexibly enlarged at any time.

Initially, the plenum coverage is expanded.


The new ceiling construction is attached to the existing support profil.



Installation of the new wall and air lock systems.



Closing the plenum with bulkhead plates.



Mounting of all ceiling installations



Removing the bulkhead plates between the "two" cleanroom areas for a joint plenum and removing the partition wall in the cleanroom.

During the entire expansion period production can be continued in the existing cleanroom.


Components of in-house production

Our CleanoFlex cleanroom systems consist mainly of a cleanroom ceiling with lighting and Filter-Fan-Units, an elevation or ceiling suspension as well as a soft-wall or a fixed partition wall system. We manufacture all essential components ourselves. Thus, they are optimally coordinated and fit each other perfectly. High quality materials and jointless constructions meet the highest standards and the criteria of GMP right from the start.

The core components of our CleanoFlex cleanroom systems:

  • Ceiling profiles in accessible and non-accessible versions
  • Filter outlets and Fan-Filter-Units (FFU) with continuous regulation of the air speed
  • Cleanroom wall and door systems in different designs, including those made of glass elements
  • Cleanroom lighting, CG-Diffusers and lint grids
  • Complete air conditioning systems
  • MSR technology


Cleanroom Systems planning with Virtual Reality

Modular and flexible solutions play an increasingly important role in modern cleanroom technology. Due to this great flexibility, transparent and individual planning becomes more and more important. Therefore, we offer our customers an innovative coordination process using virtual reality upon request. In this way you can already see, enter and set up your cleanroom in the planning phase and even put virtual production processes into operation. Critical parameters and cost traps can be identified and eliminated in advance. This offers you maximum transparency and optimum planning security.


Virtual reality to plan cleanroom systems

Solution variants and alternatives can be simulated and played through

Your cleanroom in virtual reality

Risk can be minimized

Planning cleanrooms with virtual reality

Savings and optimisation potentials become apparent

Virtual reality in cleanroom technology

Optimal utilisation of local conditions is ensured

But it is not only in cleanroom planning that Virtual Reality offers numerous advantages. With Virtual Reality, cleanroom operators can show their customers their cleanroom production in virtual reality, even at a later time, without disturbing the actual production.

Do you need more information or are you interested in CleanoFlex cleanroom systems from bc-technology?

Please contact us